This is my assignment?

00-PAUL COVER-Thumbnail-Ah, my Lord God. I try to comprehend what you did for me, but I cannot. You saved me from hell! I was headed straight for it along with all of mankind. I could not pay the ransom. The ghastly trinity ~ Sin, Satan, and Death wanted the death of God. So, you gave them what they wanted. But it backfired on them.  It took you only three days to conquer them all  ~ Sin, Satan, and Death.  You are strong with the power of the ages. In your right hand is Truth, in your left is Life. You ride on the wind, you leap between stars. You do whatever is necessary to protect us. For me, God? For me?

Father, I have been complaining a lot lately. Complaining about food I got at the grocery store that I didn’t realize was spoiled until I got home. Complaining about the weather. Complaining about the way a relative spoke to me. Complaining about the traffic and gasoline prices. Lord, it was actually you I was complaining about. This is where you want me to be. Complaining is akin to accusing. Satan is THE accuser. Lord, make Satan get away from me so I’ll stop complaining. And can you forgive me?

My God, you have been my comfort through so many things and over so many years. Must I praise you for all the horrible things I’ve lived through? You say I must and so I do. I am reminded that you have given everyone their assignments, and these have been mine. At each stage of my life you have given me different assignments. I agonized under some of them. I cried and screamed, and yet you would not release me.  I thank you for them all, Lord.  Truly, I do.  They made me stronger, didn’t they? I made Satan a little weaker, didn’t I? Together we did it.  Together forever.


00-PAUL COVER-Thumbnail-PAUL: THE UNSTOPPABLE was just that. This historical novel follows him from his early years at the Temple school to enjoying Jesus’ crucifixion, to torturing Christians, then his own self-torture alone in a black room for three days comprehending the horrid things he had done.  After that, he can never do enough to make it up to his Lord. Go with him as he endures highway thieves, harrowing wrecks at sea, snow storms, starvation. Feel his beatings and whip lashings break through his skin.  Hear him as each time, he cries out, “Jesus!  This is for you!”  To BUY NOW, click a book cover or paste this:   


Book 2 ~ Paul: The Unstoppable

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