My tears you turn into diamonds

From the nighPearls Cover-Palms-300dpi-Mediumt, you call forth light.  From the soil you call forth a flower. My tears you turn into diamonds. My laughter you turn into mountains of love. My weariness you make be sweet peaceful rest before the dawn. My soul rises to meet yours, my heart flies to touch yours, my mind, my understanding soars to try to understand you. You are so great and I am so small.  Yet you love me so. I do not deserve it, for I am sinful. You love me still. I worship you.

The sun is shining. It is warm and beautiful. I hear the birds and see the flowers, I feel your smile and touch a little bit of your glory.  Good morning, God! Last night I slept and dreamed. I do not remember my dream because I make no effort to until it is too far faded from my memory. But I know it must have been a peaceful dream. I slept through the night in your arms of safety. I feared nothing. You gave me sweet rest. At last, the dawn has returned, I feel refreshed, and now you and I are ready for another day that will glorify you.  Glorious day. Glorious God.


Pearls Cover-Palms-300dpi-ThumbnailPEARLS OF WISDOM is book 2 in the TOUCHING GOD series.  Each day you are given a proverb of Solomon’s and God’s advice from Job, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, or Song of Solomon.  It is a paraphrase and slightly updating of old-fashioned terms of the old King James Version.  A wonderful gift set for any kind of celebration.  The cover is original art and the interior antique papyrus font.  To BUY NOW, click a book cover or paste this……….


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365 Pearls of Wisdom: God’s Soul to Yours

2 thoughts on “My tears you turn into diamonds

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