Scripture for Monday, August 7 (8/7)

00-COVER-KINDLEThe scripture for today, August 7 (8/7), is Hosea 8:7 as found in the Old Testament of the Bible:

“They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.”

This is the boomerang effect. We throw a boomerang into the air and no matter how we throw it, it always comes back to us. In the same way, God treats us the same way we treat him.

If we draw near to God, God draws near to us (James 4:8). If we don’t have time for God, God doesn’t have time for us. If we don’t want to do what he says, God doesn’t want to do what we say. If we reject God, God rejects us:

Psalm 9:15-16; Psalm 10:2; Psalm 37:14-15; Psalm 140:9; Proverbs 3:34; Proverbs 6:27; Proverbs 26:27; Isaiah 33:1; Isaiah 59:18; Ezekiel 7:8; Obadiah 1:15.  Look them up.

Also, there may be people out there mistreating you. Someday their mistreatment will boomerang right onto themselves. In the meantime, your assignment is to remain true to God with patience and calm. God will take care of the boomerang.


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#boomerang, #meanness, #victim, #abuse, #selfishness, #recompense, #reward, #punishment

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