You Make Strong Whatever I Attempt

When I think of the days you materialized and walked on earth with Adam and Eve, and returned as Mary’s Son, I lift up my soul to you. When I think of the angels announcing your appearance, I offer my heart to you.  When I think of your miracles and words of wisdom you proclaimed, …

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I do too, Lord. I do too.

I praise you, Jehovah, Creator of everything I observe and more.  You are too large to see all of you. You are too small to perceive your intricacies, too much to fathom, too wise to comprehend. You are my monarch, my sovereign, my emperor, my king.  You reign over my heart, my mind, my spirit, …

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Nothing can conquer you

Jehovah God, in your Word, you tell me how to think and act. You tell me what to stay away from, what to change, what to do. You tell me what attitudes I should have.  I try, but sometimes Satan lures me away from you with his false promises of a better and happier life. …

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The Divine Boomerang Effect

The scripture for today, June 23 (6/23), is 2nd Chronicles 6:23 as found in the Old Testament of the Bible: “Then hear from heaven and act. Judge between your servants, repaying the guilty by bringing down on his own head what he has done. Declare the innocent not guilty and so establish his innocence.” Did you notice …

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He stands in the universe among the worlds

The stars join together in rapturous chords to sing your praises from galaxy to galaxy. The planets echo their song. It spirals down to the mountain tops. The mountains tremble and the song soars upward until it penetrates worlds and rests at last at your throne. Though there be hundreds of billions of galaxies, the …

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Joy in fasting?

The scripture for today, June 17 (6/17), is Matthew 6:17 as found in the New Testament of the Bible: "But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face.” This is interesting because Jesus did not say "If, you fast," but rather "When you fast." It was as though he was teaching us …

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What’s in the blood?

The scripture for today, June 14 (6/14), is Numbers 6:14 as found in the Old Testament of the Bible: "There he is to present his offerings to the Lord...a year-old ewe lamb without defect for a sin offering.... "  A lot of people don't understand what Jesus dying on a cross has to do with going …

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God loves to answer prayer

The scripture for today, June 12 (6/12), is Luke 6:12 as found in the New Testament of the Bible: "One of those days, Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God." How in the world did Jesus think of enough things to say that he could pray all night? Most …

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Feeling Rich When You’re Not

The scripture for today, June 10 (6/10), is Proverbs 6:10f as found in the Old Testament of the Bible: "A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest ~ and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man." Oh! This scripture really comes to the …

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What are you doing for your country?

The scripture for today, May 24 (5/24), is Amos 5:24 as found in the Old Testament of the Bible: "Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream." When individuals of a nation begin taking advantage of each other, the nation loses its standard of justice. Eventually, nations fall because of it ~ maybe not …

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