Without you, who would I talk to?

It is spring. Little by little the flowers are blooming and showing a little more of your glory. Some will fade and rest until this time next year when they will return. Some will become fruit and nourish me with zest and delight, just as you nourish my heart. It is spring. Raindrops soften the …

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You hold my heart in your arms

Ah, my Lord, you are my light for the path I walk.  You are my way through the world I travel.  Your holiness soars through the cosmos and settles at last in my heart.  I can never feel alone when you are near. I can never feel rejected when you carry me. I can never …

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Like a thousand suns

I adore you Lord God, for you are the Will of the universe, the Voice of the cosmos, the Spirit of the heavens. You provide all my needs.  I know some day you will take me home to not, only know you, but be with you. You are my delight now and will be forever. …

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