Without you, who would I talk to?

inside-cover-mediumIt is spring. Little by little the flowers are blooming and showing a little more of your glory. Some will fade and rest until this time next year when they will return. Some will become fruit and nourish me with zest and delight, just as you nourish my heart. It is spring. Raindrops soften the earth, breezes waft and tease, the sun shares its warm rays while declaring you are the light of the world. What a wonderful, beautiful God you are!

I have to confess that I would rather watch something on television in the evening than spend that time writing a little note of encouragement or visiting someone who is lonely. Help me break loose of my habit of preferring my pleasure over that of others.

Thank you for allowing me to converse with you. Without prayer, who would I talk to about these deep and sometimes hidden things? You understand me even when I do not understand myself. You forgive me even when I do not forgive myself. If I do not forgive myself, it robs me of being able to have a second chance and be a new person all over again. Thank you for pouring out your heart to mine in your Bible. There is so much my stubborn mind misses. Satan tries to put blinders on me because he is jealous of you and wants me to rely on him ~ the father of liars. But I’ll keep trying. My copy of your Bible is right here in front of me, just as you are.

I praise you, God of glory. Your splendor is the light of your goodness and the richness of your comfort.  Your glory is your mercy when I do wrong and protection when others doing wrong toward me. You interrupt me when I am about to do that which I should not and you make me fail when I plan something that would betray you. You watch over me and it is too much to understand how you can. You know all my thoughts and prayers, actions and cares. You love me so much, refusing to let me go, I can only worship you.


Inside-COVER-lg thumbnailINSIDE THE HEARTS OF BIBLE WOMEN. Unbeknown to you, a seemingly stable woman may be going through any of these problems right now, and need suggestions from her sisters. Most such problems are not normally discussed openly, but we should not pretend they do not exist (James 1:24). Furthermore, we should not wait until, God forbid, you or a friend is thrust into one or more of these problems before figuring out how to handle it.  Let us prepare ourselves now while we are thinking clearly. Let us march confidently into that unknown future, our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of truth (Ephesians 6:15). Thus, we can courageously and assertively face anything! To BUY NOW, click a book cover or paste this:    https://bit.ly/HeartsBibleWomen    https://northernlightspublishinghouse.com/1107-2/my-book-inside-the-hearts-of-bible-women/

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