Tuesday 12/26 ~ True & Enduring Honor

The scripture for today, December 26 (12/26), is John 12:26 as found in the New Testament of the Bible:

00-PAUL COVER-Medium-“Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.”

Just where was Jesus when he was on earth saying this?  In a posh hotel in Jerusalem? Who was the Servant of servants serving?

Who or what are we servants to? Power in a workplace, club, congregation, neighborhood? Prestige in a community, an occupation, an organization? Self-indulgence of money, music, entertainment?

While we are pursuing things in life, is Jesus there with us? Are we doing what he would do? Let us be servants to the power of Jesus’ love, prestige in the eyes of God, self-indulgence in the joy of worshiping Him. In this only is there true and enduring honor.


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#power, #honor

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