Friday 8/31 ~ What IS truth?

The scripture for August 31 (8/31) is John 8:31f as found in the New Testament of the Bible:

Letters-of-Apostles1-Cover-Thumbnail.jpg“To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said [warned], ‘If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, then the truth will set you free.’ “

Myriads of people call themselves believers in or disciples of Christ; in other words, Christians. What is Jesus’ definition of a believer or disciple? He explained, IF we hold to his TEACHINGS, then we are his disciples.

It’s not automatic? So being born into a Christian family doesn’t automatically make us a Christian? Being born in a Christian nation doesn’t automatically make us a Christian? Owning a Bible doesn’t automatically make us a Christian? Believing Jesus is the Son of God doesn’t automatically make us a Christian? (Demons believe that and aren’t Christians.)

“But, Jesus,” we might say, “I really feel like I’m a Christian.” And Jesus replies, “Hold to my teachings, then you are really my disciple.”

So if we learn Jesus’ teachings and hold to them, THEN the truth will set us FREE.

SImage result for Buy the bookurvey of letters written by the apostles, mostly Paul. Fill-in-the-blank answers.  Backgrounds of the people he wrote to included.  Easy Buy Link:



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