Prayer for Thursday, March 17

I praise you, God, for you are the only God. All other gods are actually demons perpetuated by egotistical humans ~ both men and women ~ who want people to follow their leadership with false promises and false threats that frighten people into following them. You are selfless. If you became selfish, you would go out of existence. Then all would cease to exist. May you live forever, Lord God. May you keep bringing back to life what Satan kills. May you keep relighting the candles of hope that Satan blows out. May you reign on high forever and forever and ever.

Forgive me when I try to entice people into doing good works by promising rewards. And forgive me when I expect recipients of my good works to show their gratitude. They are not always grateful, do not always turn their life around, do not always decide to do good works for others. Forgive me when I look for those things in the people I help. I must not ever do something for someone else expecting anything in return ~ whether mental, emotional, or physical. Forgive me when I do.

Thank you, God for the free country I live in. A decent home to live in and time to pursue the desires of my heart. Thank you for facing death and Satan for me, something I and everyone else could have never done. You materialized for us so you could live and die for us. War of the worlds, and you won. Thank you for showing me how to be on the winner’s side. Thank you for challenges and problems and enemies so I can stand up for you unflinching, unshakable, an imitator of all you stand for.

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