Shhh. Do you hear? Jesus is calling you

0-BK 4-FolkHero-Cover-Kindle-medium-newThe scripture for today, May 6 (5/6), is Song of Solomon 5:6 as found in the Old Testament of the Bible:

“I opened [the door] for my lover, but my lover had left; he was gone. My heart sank at his departure. I looked for him but did not find him. I called him, but he did not answer.”

Jesus is the lover of your soul. He hears you knock, so opens the door for you. But you are now sidetracked. Perhaps you’re now spending all your time thinking about material things. His heart sinks when you run away from him. Oh, how his heart aches with loneliness for you.

So, Jesus goes out looking for you. He looks everywhere you go. He calls you by name. But perhaps your life is so full of the noise of doing and going and accomplishing, that you do not hear him.

Stop! Allow some quietness into your life. Then listen. Shhh. Do you hear? Jesus is calling for you.


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