See? He’s running after you.

The scripture for today, February 8 (2/8), is Genesis 2:8 as found in the Old Testament of the Bible:

Pearls Cover-Palms-300dpi-Medium“Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed.”

Just think: Mankind’s nursery was a garden. How God wanted to spoil us, his children. And dote on us.

He even visited us sometimes. He walked with us in the cool of the evening through the beautiful home he had given us. It was the first of many times in the future he would walk with man. It was a beautiful time.

Then jealous Satan appeared out of the shadows of time and lied to us. He claimed God was our enemy. How could he say that with God providing us with tasty food to eat and sparkling water to drink beautiful flowers and trees and…  Well, we had everything.

Satan knew he couldn’t deny that, so he planted in their minds what they did not have.  “See that tree over there? God doesn’t like you or he would let you touch that tree.  See that fruit over there? God doesn’t like you or he would let you eat anything you want.”  Oh, and the biggie. “God doesn’t want you to be as smart as him.  Evil is fun, but he is keeping you from knowing what evil is.  It’s the most wonderful thing in the world. If God hates you that much, then hate him back.”

So, they did. And Satan laughed. They were so gullible. Too late they discovered God had been trying to protect them.

Do you believe God doesn’t want you to have any fun? That is not true. God does not hate you. God is not trying to keep you from having a good time. The real good time is in heaven and he is trying to get you there.

Do not listen to Satan. He is the one who hates you. Do not wait until it is too late. Turn around and try once more listening to God. See?  He is running after you. He wants to protect you. He loves you beyond comprehension. And wants to spoil you. In heaven.


Pearls Cover-Palms-300dpi-Thumbnail365 PEARLS OF WISDOM: GOD’S SOUL TO YOURS provides one proverbs plus one passage from a wisdom literature — Job, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon.  This is book two in the devotional trilogy — GOLDEN BIBLE THOUGHTS: GOD’S HEART TO YOURS and SILVER-WINGED PRAYERS: YOUR SPIRIT TO GOD’S.  Original art on the cover and classical papyrus font on the inside.  Perfect gift for yourself in these trying times of Covid uncertainty or a gift to someone else.  To BUY NOW, click a book cover or paste this:

365 Pearls of Wisdom: God’s Soul to Yours


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