My prayer for Monday

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I lift up my heart to you, Jehovah God, in wonder and adoration. You are so powerful, yet you do not punish immediately You gave me a way out ~ the part of you that was Jesus. Always you are giving me second chances and third and tenth chances. You want to forgive. You long to forgive. You want to wash the dirt of our sins away. I think, if I do not ask forgiveness as soon as I do a wrong, I tend to forget it. How long my memory when others offend me, but short my memory when I offend you. Yet, you stay by me.  Sometimes sad. Sometimes relieved I finally figured out what my sins are. You are patience beyond understanding and I worship you.

Jesus, you left the safety of heaven to enter a body and be tempted like we are. You left the perfection of heaven to associate with hateful people in order to prove your love for us. You left the Source of Life in heaven to walk the earth so you could die in our place and free us from Satan.  We were sinning against you; we were your enemy, but you loved us anyway. We found it impossible to be perfect, so you lived that perfect life for us. We couldn’t pay the terrible price Satan demanded in order to free us, so you paid the blood price for us. I cannot begin to thank you. I will spend eternity trying.

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