Scripure for Tuesday, July 25 (7/25)

The scripture for today, July 25 (7/25), is Hebrews 7:25 as found in the New Testament of the Bible:

FunWithBibleNumbers-Cover-Kindle“Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him [Jesus] because he always lives to intercede for them.”

Indeed, all of mankind is invited to come to God through Jesus. There are scriptures in the Bible about being chosen by God. But when you check the original Greek, it means you are being invited by God. If a company puts out a newspaper ad inviting people to be interviewed for hiring, the company can only choose those who accepted the invitation and go to them.

And something else stands out in that verse. Jesus is our intercessor, our mediator. Why would we want anyone lower than Jesus to be our intercessor when Jesus will do so himself?

How amazing! In one sentence we see that God the Father invites all of mankind to come to him to be saved completely and that God the Son/Word is our ever-present intercessor.

Such love. Such divine love. It is beyond comprehension. All we can do is fall on our knees and whisper, “Thank you.”


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