The scripture for today, January 30, is 1st Corinthians 1:30 as found in the New Testament of the Bible:

0-BOOK 5-FLOOD GATES-Cover-Print“It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us “wisdom” from God ~ that is, our…

…holiness and,

What is wisdom from God? Here it is spelled out. It is three things. Let’s look at it backwards. When we are redeemed from our sins, we gain God’s holiness and God’s rightness. We don’t know how to be sinless, so we cannot have righteousness and holiness on our own. But Jesus knew how, and so became sinless for us.

We cannot let what He did for us drift by. That is not wisdom. Wisdom is to follow Jesus so He can give us His sinlessness (at least in the eyes of God). What a privilege He has given to us! And how unworthy we are!

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