The scripture for today, February 16, is 2nd Thessalonians 2:16 as found in the New Testament of the Bible:

0-COVER---Star-Song---flat“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.”

How amazing! God, the Creator of the universe, and Jesus his only begotten Son, actually know who we are. If he didn’t, he couldn’t love us. Love is not in the abstract. It is specific. And it is specifically for you.

Not only that, but we are given eternal encouragement. Our friends may only encourage us when we are doing something that would help them. Our family members may encourage us as long as we do something they would do. But God’s encouragement never ceases. It is always there. There when we feel alone, when we feel forsaken, when we feel helpless, when we feel hopeless.

And yes, God gives us good hope. Sometimes things in our life may be going so badly that we have trouble having faith in God. But we can still hope. The candle of your faith may be flickering, but your hope can still be a flaming hope, a large hope, a good hope.

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