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Wednesday 5/29 ~ Everlasting Arms

The scripture for today, May 29 (5/29), is Acts 5:29 as found in the New Testament of the Bible:

“Peter and the other apostles replied, ‘We must obey God rather than men.’ “

There are many countries in the world today where a person is tortured, imprisoned and/or killed for believing in Jesus Christ or owning a Bible. These believers must stay in the background and try to remain relatively unnoticed in order to survive. But their faith continues unabated, even amidst their fears. Because of brave Christians like these, the church has survived persecution for 2000 years.

Even if they’re not killed, they are by-passed for promotion at work or fired, they are harassed when out shopping, they are threatened in public transportation, they are turned down for a good education, and they must tolerate derision just walking down the street or waiting at a bus stop. But their faith continues unabated, even amidst their fears and tears.

Such events are usually covered up by their governments and news media, and the good people of those countries never know it is happening.

How grateful we must be to those who live life being rejected by others. Let us daily hold up these brave souls in our prayers ~ those who obey God rather than men.

In eternity, God will deal with the persecutors.  In eternity, it will be to God the persecuted will turn to, not men. And there, God will hold them in his everlasting arms.

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